It was a harsh reality when I came to the conclusion that nobody I care about will ever be on TV
I guess I’ll put up with the shallow individuals that turn up on my screen
It was a harsh reality when I came to the conclusion that nobody I care about will ever be on TV
I guess I’ll put up with the shallow individuals that turn up on my screen
I feel like I’m gonna try again with AHS
I have sooo much stuff to say about the Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins:
Season 4 is supposedly coming out on Netflix soon, lets hope for some great character development =))
The fact that Spiderman: into the spiderverse was the least viewed spiderman movie because it was animated makes me so mad. They had such a good plot and they managed to give every character a personality despite the amount of screentime they had. AND THE MEMES WERE AMAZING TOO!
Speaking of which… The night fury species is still technically extinct. Toothless and the lightfury’s kids are only hybrids. And in one of the hidden world scenes you can see multiple light furies cheering so…
Yeah, the night fury species is officially extinct =)
I’d prefer if we just had a female night fury instead of a light fury =/
seven deadly sins is one of my favourite animes
It’s one of my favourites too, But some characters need more personality and more screen time >:T
I feel like the characters have more than enough personality but then again I have read the manga.
Only character I don’t like is Elizabeth but I’m not all too keen on Diane.
I’ve only read up to book 6 in the Manga, and Meliodas definitely had more personality in the books.
And I’ve finished season 3 of the anime =)
But I think the anime struggles with that
I’m also not a big fan of Elizabeth, I want to see more scenes of her saving everyone’s ass
I’ll take your word for it and head to the library and demand they get every book in the Seven deadly sin series
Lol I just order them online expensive but I save up for this
I have a manga budget
Honestly it’s rad
Well, for someone as broke as me the only real choice you have is beg the librarian she’ll order the whole series for you
Yes, libraries rock!
I tried again with AHS and I have to say, I’m not regretting it. I actually think it’s pretty good, before I just thought it was a little bit too much and horror for the sake of horror but now I’m actually pretty into it.
I am very neutral about the Carrie movies as there are three of them even though they are the same storyline. You know that story by Stephen King? About a girl who has telekinesis and she lives with her religious misandric mother.
I actually love Carrie but only the first movie
And the book
The book is very good. When I watched Carrie, I can pretty much relate to her in some ways because of the bullying part but religious parents…not really since my parents are very lenient towards me. But anyway, the first film has a sequel where we have Sue Snell working as a school counselor and the main character is Rachel (I think).
Well with Carrie’s Mum you kinda get the hint that it’s not due to her religion that she acts that way. There’s the part in the movie where she talks about Carrie’s Dad and how after they had s*x he left her while she was pregnant with Carrie so she probably has some real mental health issues.
I think Carrie’s mum has some kind of mental disorder, I’m no psychologist but I’m pretty sure it’s something to do with a mental illness…no clue.
I only like the original from 1978
The music is so good
Yeah! And the messages were pretty deep too.