Untranslatable Words

Swahili also has a name for it


oh man that’s so :'3
i knew the sentiment but to know some people have a word for it is so beautiful and kinda heartbreaking too (bc how common does this fear have to be so there’s a word for hoping it doesn’t happen)
i love it

oooh could you share the word, please?


I believe Juzi for short but it also has a long form.

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gotchu gotchu
gonna read about this




Schadenfreude, which means the joy you get when something bad happens to another person, like laughing if they fall down the stairs. It’s German.


WOAH! That’s pure evil, right there.

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I do giggle when people get hurt, but make sure they’re ok after laughing.

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For me, it depends how close I am with them.

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oh i love this word
and afaik it can also be used for more serious stuff like
idk seeing someone being in genuine distress or suffering or failing at something and feeling joy out of it?

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I love this thread omg

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relatable (sorry for double posting)

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glad you do!
it hasn’t been used in a while but if you have any other words you wanna share, please feel free ^^

and dw, it adds to forums activity lol

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Uitwaaien. Literally it would translate as something like: blow out. But it’s the act of going to the beach or other natural area, and enjoying a refreshing (sea) wind.


Is this a dutch word?

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It is yes

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oooh :memo:
i love that!

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Vybafnout means to jump out and say “boo” in Czech. I really like that. Apparently there are a lot of Czech words that are untranslatable. I’ll take a look.


well… yes, lol. chatgpt, which i assume is what your talking about, isn’t an analysis bot. it isn’t a creative writing bot. it’s a large-scale language model that read a bunch of information, and uses all that information to answer questions based on what it thinks should come next. so if you ask it how old abraham lincoln was when he died, it will answer 56- not because it knows he was born in 1809 and died in 1865, or any logical deduction, but because it read a bunch of articles that say “abraham lincoln died when he was 56”, so those are the words it thinks should come next- and when it was training, the creators told it those where the right words that come next, so now it knows those are the words that come next. that’s a very simple explanation, anyways.

tl,dr; chatgpt is a very, very advanced google autocomplete

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