Unus Annus (One Year) Discussion Thread

Bu mp

Did they succeed?

So far so good

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They’ve been consistently uploading so far :thinking:

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Honestly, I’m still surprised that they’ve been keeping up the upload schedule.


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Even on holidays

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I love them so much!

I added some tags and I wanted to bump this thread again :wink:

More words from me haha I started watching them maybe a month ago but my friend told me about them in January I think. I didn’t have time to check them out then and I wasn’t that into the concept of posting every single day and then deleting everything. To me, at first, it seemed ridiculous because all the time and effort they would put in their channel would just be gone in a year… But now I get it and I absolutely love the idea but I still think it’s sad. They did some crazy, amazing, funny things and it’s a pity they wouldn’t be able to look back at everything one day.
I’m honestly surprised they are posting every day, that can be extremely hard. I’m still trying to catch up and I do watch them every day, they kinda make me happy. Ethan’s energy makes me happy, he is such a sweet person, I adore him.

Did anyone else start watching them recently?
Better question… are you an unus or an annus? :eyes:

I’ve only seen one video from this channel but I did find it funny it was the escape room one!

However, I only watch markiplier for the scary game lets plays and when he plays games with his friends because those are funny.

It’s not the kind of thing people would expect me to enjoy so I guess I can call it a…guilty pleasure.

I read Unus anus…oops

@passionfruit this changed alot didn’t it :joy:

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I will watch any of his videos I do just find them fun and I don’t care who knows it :joy:

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Definitely for the better :joy:

There’s only like a month left :sob:

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I know :sob: at least we can spend halloween with them

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There better be some good Halloween stuff :pleading_face:

Its gonna be so sad when they’re not around anymore :sob:

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I stopped watching in like May maybe and I have so many videos to catch up on :eyes:

When they delete it, I’m gonna miss them being in videos together, even though they do collab every once and awhile, they don’t make content like they do on Unus Annus on their personal channels and they won’t be in every video together

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So many :eyes::eyes:

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Yeah it is gonna be pretty sad when it ends, there isn’t one video that doesn’t just make me so happi and at times I’ve cried laughing

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They’re really entertaining videos :pleading_face:

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