Using hashtags on social media - helpful or not?

I’ve always been told they are helpful, apparently 30 is the optimum number for instagram posts (a mix of specific and not specific) and that for twitter you shouldn’t put as many hastags.

However, I did also find out that instagram are starting to have problems with hashtags.

So what do you guys think? Are they helpful or not? :blush:

  • Helpful
  • Not helpful

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I think they’re a little helpful. But you can’t guarantee it’ll help for each and every single post. I’ve noticed that my posts do reach a good handful of people who don’t follow me. And I had one instance where my post blew up past my follower count. Only once though. It’s decent but not amazing



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I believe tags help with influencing people :eyes:

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Hi Sherry!!! (1)

To answer the question, yes I think they’re helpful. It helps you categorize your posts, plus it also increases your audience reach. Apart from that, hashtags can also be used to search for particular posts faster in just one click.



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Yup they are kinda helpful for ppl to find your insta acc sometimes
But not always
But still yess if you’re trying to grow your acc then theyre helpful sm

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Helpful, especially if a person is looking for something very specific. They can just search that hashtag.
There are also people who follow a hashtag, so posts made by people they don’t follow appear on their feed if it has that hashtag in it.

they can be useful for trying to search things up or organize posts!!!

On the most recent forum insta post 52 accounts were reached through hashtags so :eyes: yeah
It’s not reflected by the amount of likes that post got (it only got 7) but at least people saw it

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