- UTOPIA - RP - Chat -

Iā€™ve submitted them both!


The official thread has been created!! Your pairings can be found in the faceclaims.

As you might have noticed, Iā€™ve created a third character (which is technically against the rules), so @Yomama 's female character could have a partner!

I probably wonā€™t be very active today, since Iā€™m having a birthday party, but Iā€™ll be active almost all hours of every day after this!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. :blush:


@cuteswede I have one question about my character. I made her a lesbian, so how does that would work. Does she remember that she is a lesbian or not?

I think sheā€™d realize it eventually, but not remember anything about it from the start. :thinking:


:smirk: :smirk: :smiley:


:eyes: lmao
perhaps another future ship in the making if she doesnā€™t fall for her hubs

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May sign up.

Uh Iā€™m 80% sure that signups closed yesterday thoughā€¦ youā€™ll have to talk to cutesweude to confirm tho

No problem

Yeah, theyā€™re completely closed.

I just realized my girls man is 19šŸ¤­



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Perhaps, though it mostly depends either Elodie falls for her husband or not. And if there is more not straight girls. Because Hannah is lesbian :smiley:

Yeah, I saw that too :smiley:


There probably are more not straight girlsā€¦ but weā€™ll have to see
Hm, I donā€™t think I will reveal Elodieā€™s sexuality just yet lmao, even though you already know sheā€™s not straight hehe

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Thatā€™s all I need to know :smirk: Anything else is details :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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I thought theyā€™d go with the younger girls. Heā€™s still sort of a baby to her.:joy:


Well if they were paired together it doesnā€™t nessesary means that they have to fall for each other.

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Yeah, I just thought that was something different. My girls open to both genders so we will see what happens. :smirk:

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Good to know :smirk: :thinking:

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