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I got you :sunglasses:

Want FCs too?

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Yes, please :pleading_face:

Emilia Mendez


Emilia likes control and prefers when everything is orderly. She tries to plan her life and prefers when everything goes according to plan. She likes children, although working with them all day can easily get on her nerves. She enjoys her work a lot, but she also wishes that she could just relax for a day like she used to when she was a child. She also prefers to be in control, rather than follow instructions from someone else. She is smart and prefers to think about choices logically and analyze everything before making major decisions. She is manipulative and will try to use other people in order to get what she wants. She especially likes to use this in order to gain power, as she prefers being in charge. She can handle social situations well and is good at resolving conflicts and understanding other people. However, she is also very strict with the people under her and creates strict policies and is not very forgiving when people go against her instructions. She worries a lot about what other people think of her and constantly tries to present herself in the best light.


Simon Huntzberger


There is one word that could describe Simon’s entire personality - and that word is coward. Simon isn’t exactly the type to shy away from parties or other types of things that can be hard for cowardly people. On the contrary, Simon tends to like to explore the things he finds scary. But the “coward-part” of his personality comes in whenever there’s a conflict or when he has to decide what his real values are. That’s when he just picks the most popular option, no matter if that is his actual opinion or not. This makes Simon a very untrustworthy friend, partner and colleague. He’ll say and do whatever the most powerful person tells him to do, because he’s utterly terrified of what could happen if he actually stood up against someone.


Realized after screenshotting the house that I could’ve just done that for everything else but whatever the hell lmao

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can you do it? i’m bad at coming up with stuff to start things

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Wow, didn’t expect Ann-Marie to be possessive, haha.


Haha, she’s probably more competitive than possessive. :sweat_smile:


@unsungcheerio Hi, I made a post with the char that’s your partner and at first I made it as if she approach somebody else and not your char so I tagged her, but later on I realised how It’s not okay to approach somebody who was already approaching somebody just becuase “They’re online and I really want to RP right now” so I edited the post to make my char approach yours, I’m saying this in case you don’t see my tag just to inform you, you can approach me anythime.


Speaking of approaching, I’ll have Rowan reply in a few minutes, I’m kinda procrastinating

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I’m procrastinating studying for an exam with this so, don’t worry, every time you don’t respond for a while I’m actually writing my c++ programs

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Should I start mission don’t-reply-until-you-finish? Lmao, studdyyy

Wait what lmao
I saw the post though and I’ll reply soon probably


no, do as you like, it’s not like you’re tearing me away from work, you’re like a small pause inbetween tasks

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Oh, ok then

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The papers will be on the door to every single apartment.



Also, just wanted to let y’all know that I made the guidelines and laws for Aurora problematic on purpose, so I am completely aware that they’re unfair!

My idea for the roleplay would be, that the citizens don’t really see a problem with them at first, but as time goes on some people find them dumb and unfair, while some other people like them.

By waiting a little bit with these opinions and reactions, we’ll avoid the roleplay getting chaotic right away, lol!

Revolutions and reforms and stuff like that is welcomed, but I cannot stress this enough, let me know before your character does anything drastic!!


Maybe I missed it, but I can’t find Thomas on the list to which group he belongs. So you either fix it or when I will be making my post I will adress it :smiley:


Oh, totally forgot about my own character! :sweat_smile:

I’ll change that right away!


@cuteswede so I know the scientists won’t give away real money to this town for usage because they know they will go bankrupt, so what is going to be the currency? I suppose the currency will be made from some paper made from a plant or something that’s from a completely different continent from Aurora just in case somebody has the bright idea to counterfeit money or to make their own money machines for the whole town.

They should probably make currency from things easily found and isn’t endangered but also isn’t found in Aurora…

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Yeah, I’m not even sure they’ll have actual money. I was thinking it could be easier if everyone just had a credit card they could “pay” with. But it doesn’t really have any actual worth in the real-life world.