Vintage Vibes Outfit Contest

This week we continue the episode update outfit contests. Last week we didn’t have any cause there was barely any clothing released. Episode came with the [Limelight] Vintage Vibes update yesterday, and now you have until Wednesday to join this competition.

You have to include one female and one male outfit, and they both should contain 2 of the new items at least. Keep in mind that I would still love to see a story around the images/outfits so get creative!

The winner will be decided by a community vote and they will receive a badge and bragging rights for a week :eyes:

I hope you guys will enjoy this contest! :purple_heart:


I’m joining!

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I’m gonna join and @Announcements


I should really learn to include that tag more often but for some reason I always forget about it :sweat_smile::rofl:


My Entry

Heather and Daniel have been together for around three months, all is well. On a lovely, humid summer day they decide it would be a great idea to go for a picnic. It’s a shame they didn’t pay attention to the news. They would know a serial killer is on the loose and the last thing they should do is go for a picnic in the park, where all of the victims bodies had been found. Oh well, I hope they enjoy their sandwiches as they sit on the grass where the bodies once laid.


Thanks for entering, it looks great and that actually would be a great base for a short story :joy:


Congratulations @anon68003072 you’ve won! From now on @liyahsdiamond is taking over this weekly competition so expect her to make the next one soon, about the plus size update most likely!