Voodoo themed Music!

So, who loves voodoo themed music? Post below your favorite song down below that has voodoo ties! Here are two versions of my favorite voodoo themed songs! The third song isn’t voodoo themed but it’s closes I could come up with since I can’t remember which song I was wanting to post. I just spent 30 minutes looking for it. Oh well. Just watch it’s gonna come back to me when I go to bed tonight.

Keith David’s song from the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog

Metal Version of the Song by Jonathan Young

In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia the animated movie



I like the princess and the frog one :slight_smile:

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Me too!

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Finally remembered the song’s name! Yes, it was literally that same night when I remembered it but I just now got to posting it. What music reminds you of Voodoo like theme?

Gnarls Barkley - The Boogie Monster


This is one of my favorite song and i really don’t know if it a voodoo but it could be.
the witch doctor and I like sing along to it.

The chipmunk version

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Added music tag!

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I really like Friends on the Other Side, but I can’t say that I’ve actually heard of a lot of songs that have that same sort of vibe to them :thinking:

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Same here, it was hard to find songs close to that one.

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why does the first one look like cardi b

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Oof now I can’t unsee that.

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I just discovered them when a song randomly popped up in my recommendations.

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I will check it out later today.

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I don’t usually like country, but they’re really good. I can’t put my finger on the vibe they’re giving off…

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There is always a diamond that pops up out music industry.

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I know!

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@CerealKiller Voodoo dolls :joy::rofl:

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Oh no :joy: