Want to be an RP partner?

Hey everyone @The-Queen-of-Kit-Kat

So I have wanted an rp partner in so long and I want to make one with fascinating people. So, if you want to work with me, comment below :blush:

My only rule is:

Do not back out! Ive seen so many people doing it and i don’t like it. (But if it’s for emergencies then it’s ok) :blush: Now comment below if you want to make one

Added a roleplays and a 1x1-roleplay tag.


thank you :blush:

You have so many of these threads.

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Moved to #role-plays-and-games:signups ^^


I closed one

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Thank you :blush:

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What do you mean by roleplay partner tho?

I’d be interested in helping you if you’re still looking. PM me if you want.

Closed due to there being a thread for finding a RP partner! (: