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BELATED Sunday Reminder:

Hey guys, this is awesome. Rather than a link to the forum, why not share this with people to help explain why the forum is so awesome?!

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

What is exposition and how do you use it?

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @zoe4564, @itsjenn_a, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Tuesday’s Reminder:

Deus Ex Machina; a frustrating plot device that both new and old writers use.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Wednesday’s Reminder:

Why good grammar sets your story apart? Why should you force yourself to proofread? Read here.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

8 amazing tips to start your writing off right.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @TheDancingFryer, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

This is about Frozen, but it’s also to say stop assuming we know a person’s sexuality before they tell us or make it clear.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Saturday’s Reminder:

What’s a Red Herring in writing? Find out here?

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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Sunday Reminder:

Ways to make a little money from your writing. An epic blog posts, one of my favourites.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

How easy is it to write gay characters?

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @zoe4564, @itsjenn_a, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


I will read it later tonight


BELATED Tuesday’s Reminder:

Many of you love to read and write fantasies, but have you ever thought about how to create a magic system within the story?

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Wednesday’s Reminder:

All about the time travel aspect in Harry Potter.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

What makes a good story so good? What is it that you need to work on in your own writing? Here’s what all good stories do well, no matter the genre.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @TheDancingFryer, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

hey would you be so kind and remove me from the Saturday and Friday list? I won’t be able to see the reminder but I will try and read some blog posts when I get the time. Thank you :yellow_heart: @CrazyCaliope

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BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

Let’s understand more about Cancel Culture and why it’s plain wrong, especially from the eyes of someone who has experienced it.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Saturday’s Reminder:

Who wants a sneaky look at the locked sections? Here’s a brief at what you’d find in the Regulars’ Lounge, Patrons’ Lounge, and Restricted Section.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Sunday Reminder:

Here’s a great starter guide to writing different races easily and well.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

Alright, guys, I’m starting this thread again… sort of. Except that I’m using a tag (@/Bloggers) and I’m be posting on the threads themselves. So please feel free to join the tag. All we asking is for one blog read a day, not too much. If you’ve read it then have another read and comment on the blog or blog’s thread. You could even create an account on the website and recommend the blog, as that really helps with both Google searches and makes Shani feel appreciated.

Hey @Bloggers & @RPers, do you remember when this happened? Take a read of this and tell me what you think!

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


@crazycaliope can you tag me in the Sunday Blog Post Reminders (if ur doing that still)