We Need Your Help!

Hey Forum Family,

How’s it going?
This is a rather important reminder and request that we do need your help! As the one thing that Shannii has said time and time again is that she wants to make sure that she can maintain a free and safe community forum for you all to enjoy.
Right now, all is fine and things can keep going, but we don’t know what the future holds, especially as more and more users join. Her biggest revenue currently is from the blog, so we really need all the help we can get. To show your support for our God and for the forums, your help would be much appreciated!

What’s my point? You can help us. No, not by becoming a Patron (although that would be helpful), but by spending no money and only spending a bit of your time.

HOW? All you have to do is read at least one blog post a week. Just one, that’s it, it should only take between 5-10 minutes. Reading more would be great but I’m not going to ask you to do too much. … If every user on here were to read just ONE blog a week, that’s over 400 reads and nearly 2000 reads a month.
No, you’re probably right in thinking that Shannii doesn’t get much revenue from every 1000 reads the blogs get but every little bit does help. Not only financially but in advertising too. The more traffic we get on the blogs, the higher up in searches they get for newbies looking for awesome stuff.

What blogs are there?

Well, we have an awesome section for blog post threads that you can look up and discuss the blogs on. Plus, you can join the @Announcements tag by clicking on it and hitting join!

Some of the blogs that might appeal to you:

Don’t worry, I’m doing my bit too, twice over. Not only have I been rereading some of the blogs lately but I also have been finding some I haven’t read. But why did I say “twice over”, well, to offer assistance to you all, I am more than happy to remind users weekly (even daily) if required! This is not a problem for me if it helps both you and Shannii, I don’t mind.

Will you be able to help us out and motivate Shannii (and others) to post more of their AMAZING blogs?! Remember that it only takes five minutes of your time.

  • I already do read them
  • Yes, I’ll make sure to read more than one blog
  • Yes, I’ll make sure to read one blog
  • I will look into reading them
  • Not sure if it will help me
0 voters

Would you like me to tag you each week for you to remember to read one?

  • Yes, on Monday
  • Yes, on Tuesday
  • Yes, on Wednesday
  • Yes, on Thursday
  • Yes, on Friday
  • Yes, on Saturday
  • Yes, on Sunday
  • Nah, I’ll be able to remember myself!
0 voters

Sorry, this is super important, so I’m tagging everyone so that they see it!

@ForumStaff, @RPers, @Announcements, @Discussions, @HomeworkHelp, @HonoraryMembers,

Caliope (wink)


I have a question for Shannii, or if you could answer it, does she make any money at all from the forum?


I believe it is only from the users who become a patron, which can be a monthly donation of $1-20… for certain perks, of course.


Dang. She should get paid from all of us.


Nah, as she always says, she will try to keep these forums open and free for as long as possible, hopefully forever. But that’s where the blogs come in. If everyone here could just read at least one blog a week then it should start to help more in the scheme of these. At least make things a lot easier! (wink)


A blog post a day keeps the revenue gremlins away :eyes:

Fantastic post! :heart: I’d like to add that a lot of the blog posts took serious blood, sweat and tears on Shannii’s part! She really gave everything she has into the website, and to the forums, and it would also generally make her so happy to see people taking part and reading!

Also there’s ah… Some nice art on some of them. By someone specific :eyes:


Tuesday’s Reminder:

Alrighty, so looking at each of your profiles and what you’re interested in. I can see that many like discussions and writing threads, and so today I thought I’d link a blog on a fairly regular error that most of us have made, even if just an accident.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


I will check this out now, thank you!


Thank you! :relaxed:


Just read this! Thanks for the reminder :grin::new_moon::dizzy::black_heart:


Wednesday’s Reminder:

This is more for WolfGamer with your new thread that is in the works. Though I think that this can help you all too, whether with Episode stories, regular stories, or RPs/SGs.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Already read that one today for the trope thread. It’s a good blog post.


I actually did read it and I say it is really good. While listening to baby shark :shark:.


Thank you so much for the reminder! I have not read it yet. :see_no_evil::partying_face:


Thursday’s Reminder:

Here are some great recommendations to read during the isolation with links to where you can get them. Though if you have read them then let’s create a blog thread for this particular one to discuss the books.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell


Yay! Thanks for the reminder! :partying_face:

I’ve read two of the recommended books, Lord of the Rings (the first one and the first half of the second book) and The Diary of Anne Frank. I loved how they were presented in the article! (It almost made me tear up for some reason.)

The Dispossed sounded really interesting. I’m definitely considering it in the future.


HAHAHAHA! I feel the exact same about this, and I’ve definitely got that book on my list now.


Friday’s Reminder:

Perhaps you have the attention of your reader from the first world but are you looking for a way to help keep their attention? With just a little more story planning, these clue additives could really help you. (wink)

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, and @Wingsoffire.

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Wow. That was so helpful. The reminder and the blog. :hushed:


Saturday’s Reminder:

This is a nice long one this time. It’s all about how to gain reads on your Episode stories. But don’t worry if you’re not actually a writer on Episode, as still many parts of this blog can apply to other writing, like Wattpad or RPs. These are things such as being active, Instagram, be reviewed, etc.

@benitz786, @Mouschi, @Nil, @OreoBiscuit, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @fcukforcookies, @ChaoticDeluge, @novella, @Nessie, @unsungcheerio, @Wingsoffire