Weekly Forum Theme Poll - 04/03/21

Yes it’s me :tipping_hand_woman:t5: and it’s that time to vote for next week’s forum theme so vote on please. :brown_heart::dizzy:

  • Choose two of your favorite for the theme of the week.
  • Bugs :beetle:
  • Horror :smiling_imp::axe:
  • Lego :brick:
  • Weather :sun_behind_rain_cloud:
  • Words & Languages :om:
  • YouTube Videos :video_camera:
  • Zoology :giraffe:
  • Jazz :trumpet:

0 voters

Announcements please @CrazyCaliope :brown_heart:


@Announcements ^^^ Ready to vote?!


This poll is very close at the top. Do you want one of the top ones, @Discussions, or one of the others?

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Horror for me!

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World Languages, personally

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Maybe I can have that be a choice for next week, or did you me words & languages?

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ahhh, I mistyped but yes, words and languages :joy:

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Ah, righto. (wink) Haha, understood

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Closed due to inactivity