Weekly forum theme poll - 14/12/19 ✨

Hey there humans and not humans :wave::smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:
This week is almost over and that means…
It’s time to pick the next



So what should our next weekly forum theme be? :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

  • Art/film :art::video_camera:
  • Robots/AI/gaming/technology :robot:
  • Colours :purple_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:
  • Comedy :laughing:
  • Education and careers :man_student: :woman_teacher:
  • Fashion :dress:
  • Sports :soccer::football:
  • Cooking/baking :pie:
  • Other? :eyes: (Comment)

0 voters

Feel free to suggest other eyemazing themes in this thread :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Bump :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I’m going to pin this for today so that EVERYONE see’s it

I probably should have pinned it before :upside_down_face:

Thank god it’s not a tie :eyes:

Okay I’ll be making the announcement in a very short while. Keep your eyes peeled :eyes: