Weekly forum theme poll - 17/04/20 ✨

Hello again humans and not humans :wave::smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:
Just like last week, it’s now time to pick the next…

WEEKLY FORUM THEME :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat::tada:

So what should our next weekly forum theme be? :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

  • Inventions :bulb:
  • Aspirations :star_struck:
  • Pre historic :dragon:
  • Bees :honeybee:
  • Violence :face_with_head_bandage:
  • Musical theatre :notes:
  • Magic :sparkles:
  • Spiders :spider:

0 voters

Feel free to suggest other forum themes you would like to see in the next poll :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles::green_heart:
( @Announcements :eyes:)


The theme will be announced soon