Weekly poll 27/01/20 - SNOW ❄

Hello again humans and not humans :wave::smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

It’s time for another ~ weekly poll ~ on the shanniiwrites forums! :partying_face::eyes::sparkles:

Thanks to everyone who voted on last week’s poll and a big thank you to @Caticorn for creating it :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

It seems like most forumers think that aliens are most likely to exist outside of our solar system. :eyes::sparkles: I wonder if they’re as happy as the two aliens in the gif below because they don’t have to live in the same solar system as humans :thinking::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

But enough about aliens, let’s move on to our next weekly poll theme. :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:
Since this week’s forum theme is climate change, this poll will be about something that we nowadays sadly see less in some countries because of it…
SNOW :snowflake::eyes::sparkles:

So, do you like snow? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat::green_heart::snowflake:

  • Yes! :smiley_cat:
  • Like it? I love it :heart_eyes_cat:
  • Meh :unamused:
  • Nope… :sweat_smile:
  • I HATE snow :confounded:
  • Idk, I’ve never seen snow before where I live :eyes:
  • Other? (Comment)

0 voters

Feel free to create polls and discuss snow related things in this thread :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::snowflake:
~ H :sparkles:


I like snow! Snow is tasty


It’s dirty!

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Depends on where you are! In some places, the snow is clean.

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Oh. Here, some snow is clean, some isn’t

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Upstate is clean, but the city isn’t…

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So you live upstate?

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Nope, in the city.

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No fair.

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I’d rather be upstate.

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The city is pretty, but… crowded. I need space to relax!

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Not here. It’s more peaceful

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Aww, wicked. I wanna live in a peaceful city

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Here it’s kind of a mix of a city and a country

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Ugh, lucky charms.

I wish it was like that in New York

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I’d rather live in New York.

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New York City is great, but Manhattan is just crowded. Bad traffic too.

But there’s many iconic places, and if I ever see you… it’ll be awkward but I might say hi.

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We’ll never run into one another as I’m so far away here in Minnesota

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Minnesota? That’s far!

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