Weekly Poll 8/12/2020 - Government

Hello again, forum family,

Thanks to everyone who voted on last week’s poll!
It seems that many forumers spend 10 minutes in the shower on average! (wink)

This week’s poll will be about the government.
Are you happy with the government in the country you are currently living in?

Disclaimer: I will be making this poll anonymous!

  • Yes!
  • Yeah, it’s adequate
  • It’s hit or miss
  • No!
  • Nah, I’m displeased
  • I don’t know
  • I don’t care
  • What is the difference between the leader of the country and the government?!
  • Another answer (share below)

0 voters

Feel free to create polls and discuss governments below! (wink)



Ooh I don’t even know how to grade it, to be honest. Our President and his trusted ones are decent, but the VP and all the others are just-


Though there are politicians out of the President’s party list that are actually good.


I hate everyone in the government to the point of not caring anymore…



Nah. Our country’s government sucks big time. Too many corrupt politicians.


LOL we both share different political opinions. I don’t like our president that much, but I don’t hate him either. My grandma is a die-hard supporter of him, though. He did a lot of questionable things before (including his men), but not enough for me to hate him. Although he actually did some good things for the country like the free tuition for state universities and such.


Yeah I agree he’s very strict about the dark side of the country. Some of those—how he handled them, I kind of disagree, but he’s still a better president than the former one :grinning:


Can you believe the mayor in our nearest city, in regards to the COVID-19, really said what can be translated to “Don’t be scared; just be worried” like it doesn’t even make sense :sob:

And do you know we have a political dynasty in our town for ages now :slight_smile:


Uhhhh, what? This statement is… :woman_facepalming:

I don’t mind political dynasties as long as they are doing their job well. But if not, then I might as well vote for anyone who runs against them :grinning:


At least their daughter is a decent mayor, but I heard her father is coming back-

From what I heard from my very critical mother, grandmother, and decent-minded father, he and his wife aren’t good :sob:

I’d say vote for who’s against them, but you know… money :star_struck:


Anyone here can be bribed easily :grinning:


Hey @Discussions, any more thoughts on your country’s government?

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So, @Discussions, As I forgot to post a new one this week, I’ll create a second poll for this one.

What’s your country’s government?
  • Autocracy
  • Communism
  • Democracy
  • Monarchy
  • Oligarchy
  • Socialism
  • Other (state below)
  • I don’t know/care

0 voters

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My country is technically a democracy, but it often feels like an autocracy

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Ooooh, that’s interesting.

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It seems that many forumers have a hit or miss opinion about the government of the country they’re currently living in! (wink)

The next poll can be found here.

Imagine having a functioning government

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HAHAHAHA! Wait… I do…

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Closed, as its been a lot of weeks since this week was up