Thanks to everyone who voted on last week’s poll!
It seems that the majority forumers would prefer a mix of genres to have playout the rest of your life! (wink)
This week’s poll will be about Shakespearean Words.
Which is your favourite word Shakespeare used that is no longer common today?
- Alack (“Oh No” or dismay)
- Ay (Yes)
- Beseech (ask)
- Doth (does)
- Forsooth (in truth)
- Hath (have)
- Morrow (morning)
- Nuncle (mine uncle)
- Perchance (perhaps)
- Quoth (said)
- Thou (you)
- Yond (over there)
- Another answer (share below)
Feel free to create polls and discuss Shakespeare and Shakespearean words below! (wink)