Weekly Poll 9/2/2020 - Technology Inventions

Thanks to everyone who voted on last week’s poll!
It seems that the majority of forumers think that all five gifs both represent February & March 2021 and not represent those months! (wink)

This week’s poll will be about 21st Century technology inventions.
What’s the best tech invention of the 21st Century?

  • 3D printing
  • Artificial organs and such (like hearts & the pancreas)
  • Augmented reality (like photo filters & AR gaming)
  • Blockchain (like Bitcoin)
  • Capsule endoscopy (tiny medical cameras)
  • Electronic devices
  • E-readers
  • Faster Internet
  • Hybrid/Electric cars
  • Online Streaming
  • Smart phones
  • Tokenisation (like the chip embedded in credit or debit cards)
  • All of the above
  • None of the above
  • Another answer (share below)

0 voters

Feel free to create polls and discuss 21st Century technology inventions below! (wink)


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Hey @Discussions, what do you think are the best 21st Century technological inventions? Please share with me!

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3D Printing?
No, no, intelligent toilets fs :nerd_face:

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What are intelligent toilets?

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Idk, I saw them in a YouTube video.
But according to Google, they are:

Introducing intelligent toilets

It is a toilet system that cleans you with a gentle spray of warm water while you use it. … Cleaning with water after using the toilet is more hygienic and softer on your skin than paper. Reducing the amount of paper waste is good for the environment too.


Oooooh… the ones that I believe are Japanese design? I had one in Korea that was heated and stuff, but it didn’t have the bum-wash function.


That sounded funny, lmao- :joy:

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HEHEHEHE! Let’s be honest, bum is a funny word.

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Yes, always makes me crack up.

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Hehehe. Yes!

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Week is long over :eyes::green_heart: