@Hy, you still have to post one poll of this kind:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
And one poll of this kind:
- Multiple
- Choice
- Poll
To join the poll battle
@Hy, you still have to post one poll of this kind:
And one poll of this kind:
To join the poll battle
I time-travel to my death, check the calendar and realize it’s only like a week after today
Your time is officially over now…
It’s time to vote for the winner now
(Just imagine a cute gif here, I’m too lazy to find one )
So whose polls did you like the most this week?
You are allowed to vote for yourself if you want
Why aren’t I tagged? HMMM!?
Kidding, I don’t really care.
I stalk this thread either way
I only tagged the people who wanted to be tagged and didn’t participate in this battle, the others are already getting tagged because of the poll
(I guess we both don’t have a chance anymore to win the most frequent poster badge… )
Aww, well I never had a chance to win it anyway
You did you were 4th
" were "
I just wanna be fourth then I’m good.
Only two hours left to vote
And the winner is…
since I have to go to sleep and won’t be online for the next few hours, please create your polls on this thread when @StarMaryGoth announces her theme (feel free to tag some people, Mary ). I’ll move the polls to the next thread when I’m online again
Hii there gyals.
So the next theme will be:
Art and Film
@Eccentric @celestialkitten @anon93806337 @Rainbow @elx @kiwi @kimballet @sophia1233 @mysterious_tea @SkyWalker @rose @nessie @meghanwrites @anon80318563 @Jass @liyahsdiamond @dying_dreams
Do you have a good gif in mind or should I search for one?
…i may have not thought about that.
Don’t worry, I’ll set up the new thread and search for a good gif after I post the thread
This poll battle is over, you can join the next one here