Weekly Writing Goals šŸ—’ļøāœļø

I usually write close to bedtime and aim to get 1000 words down. I try to get into the world and into the characterā€™s heads. Oftentimes its a struggle but I like the end result of looking at the word count. And itā€™s fun to write scenes that I have been having over and over in my head for so long lol. I donā€™t plan anything out. I listen to music, usually video-game style music? Mainly instrumental, sometimes with some vocals but usually no words to the vocals. I pick specific songs off youtube that really match the vibe of the scene and it allows me to get into that world a little more. I have like 50 songsā€¦ Some multiple hours long.
Iā€™m a pantser too, so I plan nothing out, some things are solid in my head though. I always change my mind when I get bored of something or something just doesnā€™t work in the story and then I randomly change it. I have a general sense of where things are going but not what path to take if that makes sense, so I kind of just walk confidently around and hope things work out lol.


I donā€™t remember actuallyā€¦ either today or yesterday. The days are blending together lol. Iā€™m attempting to work on a new story. A short one, though. Iā€™ve been having a tiny break from my big one cuz I used to do it at like 3:00-5:00am and that sleep cycle is just not working for me anymore lol so Iā€™m switching it up to be more healthy and i have to figure out where my writing fits into that.

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I write in mainly third person! I used to write in 1st but then I wrote in third and kind of discovered my style ig. I like how I can suddenly imagine the scenes like a movie and I imagine the camera suddenly switching angles and perspectives and that has really helped me write when before I couldnā€™t think of what I wanted the character to think about, so now that kind of rids me of that. I can have moments where nobody really knows what the character is thinking but we get the vibe if that makes sense.

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Have you guys heard of sprints? Itā€™s where you set a timer for a time (any amount- it doesnā€™t matter) and you write during that time, as much as you can get down and only focused on writing for that time. If anyone wants to do one with me hit me up lol.


Iā€™ll try it.

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Ooh, I need to try that!

I tried listening to music while writing earlier today, but it was too distracting because instead of focusing on my dialogue, I wanted to hear the song. :joy: :joy:

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That would be interesting! Would we do it at the same time? Or give ourselves a time and we hold each other accountable?

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Thatā€™s awesome that you can get that much writing done, while listening to music, and before bed! :heart_eyes:

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Lol, I havenā€™t been able to do that much lately but I did before.

What time do you guys wanna go around? If weā€™re doing a sprint together weā€™d usually do it for the same amount of time then share our progress/what weā€™re working on. It doesnā€™t really matter ig how much you get done as long as youā€™re working for that full amount of time. Iā€™d say a good amount of time is between 10 and 30 minutes.

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Okay gotcha, sounds good! Iā€™m really free on weekends and sometimes after work!
I do have some free time now if you wanna give it a go :nerd_face:

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Sure! Wanna go for 17 minutes?

Iā€™m also gonna tag @anon80318563 and @Oreoboba_episode in case you guys wanna do it too lol.


Letā€™s do it!

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YESSSS! :star_struck:

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Ok so Iā€™m gonna start a timer so we can all do it at the same time and tell you guys when to start and when to stop lol.


Sounds good!

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Timeā€™s up if you did it lol!

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Awesome :hugs: That was pretty fun and helpful!

Great! I actually was able to concentrate on writing without having the urge to look at anything else for 17 minutes.


I got 308 words down lol! Itā€™s a good way to just write for a little bit if youā€™re really uninspired to write.

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