Weird beauty trends

There are so many weird beauty trends that some people seem to like but others just find them weird or funny, so let’s discuss them!

What are some weird beauty trends that you know?
Did you ever follow one of those trends?

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I remember people getting henna freckles and I always wanted to do that but I didn’t have henna :pleading_face:

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Those wiggly brows look fine on pictures but very weird in reality :joy:



Oh yes.

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:notes: All the other kids with the plumped up lips better run, better run, out run my gun…:notes:

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I can’t really think of any others at the moment. Oooohhh, Wait. The crazy ladies in Marie Antoinettes time who wore those giant wigs, and the ladies in Elizabethian England who put lead on their faces to make themselves look pale.

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Fake eyelashes. Please let the tarantulas live. They didn’t do anything to you, so do you pull off their legs and glue them to your eyelids.

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I wear false lashes. They’re really cute. They make my eyes look bigger and make them look really bold:



No falsies

bump ~


Oh, yours look nice! I’m talking about those huge ones where is super obvious.

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Ahhh, I think those lashes are cute to me too, but I don’t prefer to wear them on myself

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I have to admit, I do like how the second to last picture looks.

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#trends added :innocent:

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@BeautyEssentials - Are there any beauty trends that you would never try?

Personally, I would never try the wavy brows that were a trend a while ago.


God, no.


You’d try everything?


No, I’d never try the wavy brows.


Oooooh… I understand.

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Oof the Kylie Jenner lip challenge was awful and found on the false belief that Kylie Jenner her lips were natural.

Not to mention the challenge itself was also just plain dangerous to do💀


God, yes.

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I hate those squiggly brows! Like, what’s the point?

Earlobe expansion is another one I’m not crazy about.

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