Well, this is embarrassing

Um…I pulled my blinds up, and now I can’t get them down. They’re all the way up. Yes, they have a cord, and I tried tugging it. @Discussions

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Pull the blinds down, maybe? (With your hands lol sorry if it sounded mean I sometimes don’t know my tone :sob:)

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you ever tried the google search bar

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Yes. I googled it and did what it said. I came here as a last resort. I know I sound like an idiot.

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Right, im trying. I’ll try again. I must be doing something wrong.

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did it work or break it more

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usually if you pull it to a side and hear a click you can release it

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It worked! I just tugged it. I’m not surprised this happened. I never go a day without doing something stupid. :joy: Sorry for wasting your time.

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Right. It worked. Thanks.


Issue resolved. :skull: