What age were you when you first used the internet?

I’d have to say I was probably around eight. I have memories of sitting in the computer room and playing Poptropica. How old were you?

I was 12. We had this dial-up Internet service called AOL, and we had to have a separate phone line for it, because at the time, no one could make nor receive calls if someone was on the Internet.

I was probably 9 or 10 years old; Don’t exactly remember what I was doing back then, maybe playing games on Disney XD and Cartoon Network.

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Like 7. All I did was play Poptropica on my dad’s computer

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15, in which I was immediately assaulted by an NC-17 BL fanfic on RG Veda, which I sadly lost.

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I actually have been trying desperately to find it again, it was ridiculously well-written for a ‘plot? what plot?’ one-shot. :rofl: