What anime things have you been influenced to do?

For me, I’ve become obsessed with Japanese food. What about you guys? @AnimeNerds


Yessss especially the delicious soy-mirin marinated soft boiled ramen eggs that explode with flavor.

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I don’t know what that is, but I need it. Talk.

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Ok…so, marinated eggs are delicious, all kinds of them. The base seems the same…

  • soft boil some eggs for around 5-7 minutes (don’t let them get completely hard-boiled or this won’t work!)
  • ever so carefully, peel the eggs and drop them into a good ziploc bag
  • fill the ziplog bag with the marinade of your choice (for the ramen eggs I mentioned before, fill the bag with equal parts soy sauce and mirin [or any soft sweet cooking wine] until the eggs are submerged [you can cheat this a a little by tilting and tying the bag with a twist-tie until the eggs are submerged])
  • if you are scared of the ziploc bag leaking or opening, place the whole thing into another container with a lid
  • place this container into the fridge for at least 1 hour (best flavor results are leaving it for a whole day and eating them the next day)
  • make some ramen the next day and gently scoop and drop your marinated eggs as you heat it up in the water [the eggs should look like a weird, ugly, spotted brown at this point…the uglier, the better]
  • drown in umami [deliciousness] as you eat them
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Just adding a couple tags

That sounds delicious, no cap


It really does. I tried eating instant ramen again, but I just can’t eat it anymore. It’s just not good…maybe it’s the brand…

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It might be the brand. What brand do you buy?

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Maruchan. The beef is revolting. Chicken is…ok.

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I literally just smelled it and was like…nope. Not putting that in my mouth.

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I hate the Maruchan beef noodles. Shrimp is… eh. I don’t like it that much. I only eat the chicken ones. I do like the chili and spicy chicken flavors.

I had the chicken tortilla cup noodles once, almost threw up. Don’t eat it.

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I even tried Cup O’ Noodles. It was…ok. Like, I want to like it, I just can’t.

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Get the Maruchan cup noodles, they might be better.

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Ok. I’ll try it. Maybe it’s because I’ve eaten it too much, but I’m not sure. Can I get it at Walmart?

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Yeah, you can get it at Walmart. You can even get it at your local supermarket!

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Best I got is Walmart.

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Not even a Fine & Fare?

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Wow. Walmart it is, then.

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I’ve never heard of it. We do have a Food Lion, but I prefer Walmart.

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