What are some of your favorite fictional villain characterization traits?

What are some of your favorite fictional Villain traits, here are some of mine:

  1. Girlboss (if lady)

  2. Intelligent

  3. Not given a f^ck about anything


Hero: We are going to defeat you then blah blah blah

Villain drinking tea with an unbothered expression: Oh,really? That´s nice

  1. Humor! I love a good humorous villain

  2. Gives the protagonist nicknames that he/she/they hate because why not.

  3. Ok I love a good villain backstory but I also love when the reason for the villain doing what he/she/they does is because they were bored/it was fun.

@Discussions @Bookworms


I’ve always love Hopper from a bug’s life
Scar as well especially if they added the deleted scene then he would’ve been in my eyes perfect (but as he did in the life action but then te animated one).

Both because of the amazing written villain speech


Welp imo, a good villain, opposes the hero of the story and has their own motivations that make them believe that they are their own hero of the story. They have redeemable qualities and strengths that make them a significant adversary to your hero. They shouldn’t be too weak so that the hero can easily defeat them nor should they be too powerful so that they could be portrayed as a villainous “god”.

A villain should also be compelling and captivating enough for the audience to root for them. Let’s be honest, no one would support a two-dimensional villain (such as, I’d probably get murdered for this Karli Morgenthau from TFATWS or, even worse, Euron Greyjoy from Game of Thrones).

For instance, let’s look at Thanos (MCU version). He was a villain and he believed solemnly that it was his destiny to wipe out half the population of the universe by collecting all the Infinity Stones. It became his sole objective. His mission wasn’t to fight or oppose the Avengers but fulfill his “destiny”. The depth of personality also captivated the audience for which they couldn’t help but criticize as well as respect him. Same goes for Tywin Lannister from GoT.

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aww cute!!

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Ikr especially when the villain is trying to kill the protagonist and calls them by that nickname :heart_eyes: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :hearts:

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aww :heart_eyes:
ship sm

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IKR!!! Lovely doofus!

Villain: Hey, Thunderhead didn´t think you would die this eaely

Hero: shut up rat face

Villain: Dear that isn´t quite kind

*Hero makes out with them before throwing them into a volcano *

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Villain: “That’s mean, love! Come back here~”

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Hero: f&ck you

Villain: I will rather pass

Hero: aaaerkn gker *in angry voice *

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No, no, it should’ve been-

Villain: fxck me :smirk:

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And then-

Hero: can’t control his desire to be with her anymore
Hero: “Ughh, come here”*

and they make out and live happily ever after

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and they have little demonic children!

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