What are your best/worst character names?

I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a name that I give my characters. The only thing I’d ever dislike is when I find out someone has been pronouncing the name completely different from me and then I feel all guilty. Like, Alya, for example. I’ve always pronounced it as “Ah-lee-aa” but I recently found out some people pronounce it as “Aww-lee-aa.” Which shouldn’t bug me yet it does. An odd amount.
so @FTDFam if you’re pronouncing it that way, we bouta have some issues :angry:


I pronounce it as A-lie-a

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…totally dont pronounce it that way

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… no… no you dont
please tell me you dont

I WROTE A STORY FOR MY ENGLISH CLASS THAT USED THAT NAME AND THE TEACHER WAS LIKE “A-lie-a” or “Ay-lee-a” or “Aww-leee-a” or whatever and I almost died because it never occurred to me it could be pronounced differently

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Sorry…RIP me.

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Ima be honest, I gave up on it and just called her EYYYYY-la just cause I find it funny XD
Im also pretty sure I read it Ayla first time I saw it so Ha, PEACE


Honestly, yes.

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… rude

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No, what’s rube is whoever decibed to make the lower case of “b” and “d” look the same- and confuse elementary me. Luckily, I can easily tell the bifference
Now I will disappear into the night to make sure I dont put this off topic
since tbh I havent read the topic

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ew ew ew ew-

AWWW-lee-ah?? How does someone get the ‘aw’ sound if there’s no ‘u’ or ‘w’ in there?

But I get annoyed with the pronunciation of ‘Isla’. I knew a girl with that name who pronounced it like the Spanish word for island. EES-la. Because since it’s a Spanish word, the logical pronunciation would be pronouncing it like you would in Spanish, right?? Years later, I saw it on a compilation of unique names, saying that it should be pronounced EYE-la, like island would be pronounced in English. And I’m like, WHAT?



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