What are your recurring themes?

Do you like your recurring themes?

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I like reading stalker stories lol so I guess so, but at the same time I think it’s becoming a bit of a “crutch” for me.
Like a “safe” zone.


Oh, I can totally relate.

Maybe add a twist to it?

I’d like to think they’re all different, but quite literally all of my stories across three platforms have some sort of stalker element :see_no_evil:
So I need to write at least one that doesn’t include it at all :rofl:


How about a revenge-horror story? One where a stalker’s victim comes back to haunt them?

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I kind of have one :rofl:


Damn. What about a full-on horror story?

Or a fantasy?

Both of my stories are about teaching, though one became a teacher by choice and the other one really didn’t want to but reluctantly accepted. One works with pre-teens and the other with elementary kids.


I just need to somehow come up with a plot with no stalker element whatsoever :rofl:. Yet I somehow always end up having at least a “You’re being watched” note or something lol.
I even have a YA romance with a mystery subplot with a stalker element and an action/romance story with a stalkerish subplot (for Episode’s MC contest which was stalkerish by default lol).

I’m actively working on two stories now and they both have stalker elements :rofl:. The only ideas I come up with that don’t contain this are basically eroticas :see_no_evil:


Maybe you’re just used to it :woman_shrugging:

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Annnnd I’m officially going to be writing my first non-stalker story :rofl:
The plot seems so empty to me lol. I feel like it needs more creep even though it’s actually an erotic romance :rofl:

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Added a writing tag

Also, my themes haven’t changed much, death and moral debate between good and bad are still things that are in my story… Just a question, do you guys think it’s an issue if there are recurring themes or is it only beneficial? If it would be a problem how can you get rid of that urge to include specific themes :thinking:

In think it depends? In my case, I think it’s a bit of an issue because the whole stalker theme has become a “crutch”. It’s almost turned into a safe zone.

Snapped due to inactivity
