What are your writing habits?

My writing habits happen when I’m in mood to write. I tend to write more at night then during the daytime. I also prefer listening to music while I write. It helps me focus on what I’m doing. Though the amount I write depends on how long I feel inspired for. It can be as little as a paragraph all to the way of many pages. I tend to write sloppy technically then I go back through to proofread what needs fixing. What I mean by sloppy is that it still flows together but I have to tweak the piece to make it flow correctly. I tend to proofread during the daytime which is another reason I do not write during the day. Also, another reason why my staff tasks are done at night for each week.

What are your writing habits? What makes those habits happen?



Procastrinating. Depression and perfectionism :rofl:


This. ^^^ Agreed.


I loose interest fast because of lack of motivation.
But I love my ideas
Music inspired me the most and clothing
Or my daydreams


This. All of this.

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I usually have random burst of motivation from time to time that lasts between 10- minutes to an hour

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When I have motivation honestly and I procrastinate ALL THE TIME


Same here

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This perfectly describes me. And researching things for my story, only to fall down a rabbit hole and read about something completely unrelated.


I do this too…

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Like, last time I was reading about how a character should keep a dark secret from their loved one (in this context, her husband), and then I ended up somehow reading about… Xena, the warrior princess? (I really like that show. Also, bisexual representation!)

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That is definitely two different topics for sure!

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Wildly different. Still trying to figure out how to write it, lol

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Lol nice! Hope you do get some inspiration!

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Thanks. Perhaps I oughtta consult you. :eyes:

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You can if you want to!

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I tend to write better at the coffee shop on Saturday or Sunday morning, for some reason. Also in the evenings; hardly ever in the afternoons. If I try to write in the afternoon, I feel lazy and want to go take a nap. I don’t even know why.

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I think I don’t really have any writing habits :thinking: I write whenever I have time and motivation, that can be any time of the day. Sometimes I listen to music, but not always. I just write until I need to do something else, no matter what is happening around me.

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Same here, it has to do with me being in the mood to write. Music does help but only for so long before iI get annoyed with it. I’m in another rut when it comes to writing right now.

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