What band/group from your childhood would you like to see make a comeback?

When I was a kid, I listened to a lot of older music, so I’m not sure that having those bands make a comeback would work particularly well making a comeback. However, I’m sure there are a lot of groups out there you guys listened to that you would love to see make a comeback :eyes:



I would really like Nirvana to make a comeback, man :sob:


There weren’t really any bands or groups that I specifically can think of, so I don’t even know. The vast majority of what I listened to anyway was stuff from Disney movies

The Imagination Movers.

bands tag added. :innocent:

Highkey one direction :sneezing_face:

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That :point_up:t4:

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The Fresh Beat Band or Yo Gabba Gabba. Yummy in my Tummy should’ve won a Grammy. :sneezing_face:


Their songs were such bangers but then they sort of just disappeared

For me it would be NSYNC

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