What Brought You to ShanniiWrites’ Forum?

 What Brought you to ShanniiWrites?

•I made this to participate in the #activity-challenge, I recommend you guys go check it out. :call_me_hand:

A lot of people have come to this forum for a myriad of different reasons, whether it’s to talk with friends, happenstance, a bad experience in another forum, to feel welcomed, or just for fun in general. I, personally, found out about this forum by chance when someone mentioned it in a thread on Episode Forums (before it was taken down ofc). I later joined in order to talk with the people I met with there (as well as genuine curiosity) and, so far, it seems like a pretty nice place. If you’re curious on what thread it was, it was the thread titled Our Concerns and Complains with Episode by @chamoybebe

Well, that’s my reason. My question is, what’s yours?


Merged due to similar topics to: What made you join the forums? :call_me_hand:

Don’t forget to archive these! :wink: