What can I do against my cold hands? ❄

So for some reason my hands are almost always ice cold and it annoys most people around me for some reason :eyes::sparkles:
So does anyone else have this problem?
And what can I do against it? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


Yes, I do! I don’t really do anything about it though…

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Dip your hand in lava. Then, not only will it be heated, but gone. Uncle Rick did it, and he’s fine and cold-hand less! The only slight problem is he lowkey looks like a pirate and he can’t write about this accomplishment to anyone anymore.

Either way, a small price for salvation.


Soujds like a good plan, but where do I find lava in Germany? :eyes::eyes::green_heart:


Microwave your phone. Perfect substitute and works 1000% of the time.


The floor is lava!


But I like my phone :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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Again, a small sacrifice for salvation.

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But I can’t access the forums without it :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Use duck telekinesis and take over the forum, then—

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But I need more ducks to do that :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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Then we need to get some more ducking ducks, then.

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I have the same problem, I’m literally always cold, even in summer…

Just cut them off

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Or dip them into the air fryer.

My hands get really cold when I play piano so I stretch my hands. Every time.

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Sit on them, let your bum warm them

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Does anyone have any new suggestions? :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Switch them off and on again!! :onion::onion::green_heart:

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I also have cold hands most of the time, petting my cats helps!

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