What Characteristics are Important in a Teacher?

I once had a teacher that hated children, and I mean hated. She had a few select favorites in the class, all of whom were girls, and she was mean to everyone else. She would read books that we’d then have to do a worksheet on and I missed one day of school, therefore missing the book, yet she got mad at me when I asked her what happened. Which she never actually told me, either.
It seems to me that all of the best teachers have kids of their own. There are some exceptions, like really old teachers that are sick of kids.
So what do you think are some important characteristics? Do you have any stories of mean or terrible teachers that you’d like to share?


Changed category and added tags.

I’d say a good amount of objectivity, discipline, and a mass sense of awareness is important to have when you’re a teacher.


I never understand why teachers become teachers if they hate kids like :sob::sob: it’s not even like you can say they weren’t expecting to have to deal with kids it’s quite literally in the job description skdjsoskkdnd

Passion, patience… extroverted but not group projects every single day extroverted like no chill with that the kind of extrovert that is easy to talk with but doesn’t force conversation just chilled, innovative, inspiring, understanding… a flexible schedule is always gouda too


I think passion for what you do is important because even if you’re introverted or something because you’re passionate about the class or teaching and love what you do you can find ways to utilize your weaknesses.

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  • Extroverted
  • Doesn’t mind children & teens
  • Respectful
  • Not too picky about trivial things

I had a male teacher in 4th grade who was a misogynistic, sexist pedophile. That’s all I’m going to say.


gosh I am so sorry
i wish i could kick him in the balls


That is so terrible, I am so sorry to hear that. I think teachers really need a more thorough personality check.

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  • Liking kids. How can you work with kids every day if you hate them? I don’t think it’s necessary for a teacher to have their own kids; I have this co-worker who is an amazing teacher and who loves kids, but she doesn’t have kids of her own.

  • Empathy. A good teacher should be empathetic and care about the students’ needs.

  • Not necessarily extroverted, but charismatic and friendly.

  • Passionate about their work and the subject they teach.

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I had a teacher who would watch p**n in class while we where there. We reported it but the school didn’t care.
I also had some problems with teachers who like to decide that I should have kids.

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I also hate teachers that make u feel like a dumbass for not getting it the first try.

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