What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘writing’?

When I hear the word ‘writing’, there’s so much that comes to my mind that I don’t even know where to start :joy: I wonder if this is something that other people experience as well? Or is this just something writers experience? Or maybe it’s just a me thing :joy:

What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘writing’?


I’m not sure.

It varies from

My bad story in the 3rd grade :joy:

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Hmmm stories-
And hand writing :grinning::pinching_hand:

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My mom :eyes:

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bcz my mom is a writer and she has a published book, go read it gyz :smirk_cat::smirk_cat:

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A pen, parchment, and brains exploding


So, right now, when I hear about the word writing, all I can think about is a pen writing on paper by itself. Like, with no hand holding the pen… I have no idea why I’m thinking about that :joy:

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