What comes to mind when you hear the words "mental health"?

When I think of “Mental health” what comes to my mind is depression, mood swings. and so on. As someone who suffers from depression, it solidifies what I know. I also have family members who suffer from other mental illnesses which are more severe than depression. I will admit when I was younger the term “mental health” had a different meaning though this was back in the early 2000s and 2010s. I didn’t quite understand the full extent.

What comes to mind when you hear the words “mental health”?



The Mental wellbeing section if huber’s positive health theory.
The state of your mental well being can effect your mood and overal health.
Stuff like being able to remember things, concentrate, communicate, being cheerful, accepting yourself, being able to handle changes and having a feeling of control can all help or hold back on your overal health after all.

So basically first thing that comes to mind is school haha.

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That’s mental illness. Mental health is our psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Mental illness is the depression, the anxiety, the mood swings as you mentioned.

In technicality.

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It just brings me anxiety and unwanted thoughts so I try not to think of it. Yes, a really immature way of handling the topic :+1:t2:



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