What country do you think is the most creative?

Which country do you think it’s the most creative? Why do you think so?

Personally, I think it’s Japan because of their innovative inventions and technology. They do the extraordinary things. Like if you think of crazy but useful stuff, the first country you can think of is Japan.


Countries like Egypt, Japan, and Korea pop out to me.

@Artists what do you think?


I think China and South Korea is most creative for me.

Like… almost every item I owned there’s always “Made in China” marked on them. :joy:

I mean… it really depends on the type of art, no? Maybe we should make a list, @Secretz, of all the different types of art and then people can suggest which they think for each type.

What are your thoughts, @Kristi?

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I mean all countries are creative in their own way, but I’ll have to say south Korea and Greece

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Why those two?

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I really love a lot of building designs I see online of Greece, I wanna travel there one day. Also the fashion in South Korea, manhwa’s (Korean comics) that I’ve really started enjoying and like Greece, the building designs.

What are the most creative countries according to you? :thinking:

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Yeah, Greece’s buildings are fantastic. I’ve been to Athens and they’re even better in person. I was surprised by how much I loved the architecture in the South of France. Though I think my favourite architecture is definitely Russia’s. (wink)
Not too big a fan of Korea’s fashion though. Their jumpers/jerseys are amazing but not so much the rest. I’ve lived in Seoul and they are known for fashion there but yeah, not much of a fan. In saying that, I am wearing a tee today that I bought in Myeong-dong. (wink)

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