What do schools teach you about paradise and/or creationism?

Now with the fact I went to a Catholic school we had to do mandatory RE (religion) so we did get taught about creationism. We also got taught about the Garden of Eden and how that was pretty much paradise and how heaven is Paradise so we learned quite alot about Creationism and paradise.

Creationism, for those wondering (I did do a quick google on this but mostly to jog my memory) pretty much follows the creation story as it was in Genesis and rejects scientific things such as Evolution.

If you feel I haven’t explain it properly then I suggest reading this it can explain it better than me. I also suggest doing your own research.

But the main question is, did you school teach you about it?


Yeah my school teaches me about this but it’s not really something I believe in (sorry I believe in evolution and those scientific concepts)

We could pick a religion class at school, but I decided not to choose it, so I didn’t have lessons on this subject.

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My school didn’t teach anything about either of those things

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Lol I do too, I don’t follow creationism myself I was just repeating information

Well, they had a particular lesson regarding the most common religions of our country and a brief paragraph about it. They mostly taught us about being diverse and treating others with respect regardless of their religion, caste, nationality, or colour.

None of my schools have ever taught me about it. I’ve never been to a school that had anything religious based on it, so there’s never been a reason for that to be a topic in school. If it was, I just know I honestly wouldn’t have been interested in it, only having involvement with the subject as required, just because I don’t really associate with much religious based stuff.

@Students - should religion be taught in schools?

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