eat, sleep, shower, repeat
I just try not to die lmao
My period isn’t that bad but I don’t handle pain well ahaaaa
I use heat blankets for cramps, curl up, drink ginger ale and tea, also drink lots lots lots of water and try to keep active—even though I’d rather die than exercise on my period.
I got blood all over my hand…. It was really bad…
Is that not normal for you? lmao that’s how it always is for me idk my flow is heavy heavy heavy
That doesn’t usually happen.
I hate those ‘backwards periods’ where the blood flow starts out really light and then just keeps getting heavier… they last longer than regular periods, too. Like two weeks.
hm lucky duckling lmao I bleed everywhere
Before I was allowed to use tampons and pads together I would just wear dark clothing so when I bled through you couldn’t see the stain 'cause it was inevitable and I’m extra lazy on period
Those are a thing I mean my period is over a week long regularly… but that seems awful my God
Wait, you have to wear both at the same time?!
Yep And I wear overnight pads avec the tampons to get through < four hours of the day hahaaa
Holy Crap…how do you even wear both!?
I do not understand the question…?
tampons are on the inside, pads are on the outside
If you’re asking why would I need to, well, I always leak through tampons, no matter how filled they are so a pad is necessary anyway. But I still wear tampons 'cause it helps to slow the flow some, so it’s like triple protection. Which I need, since my school uniform pants are beige
Oh geez. Oof, you have school uniforms?
Yep the joys of catholic school
Though to be fair at least I don’t have to stress every day on what to wear
Oof…I’d oose it if I had to go to Catholic school. I’m an Atheist.
Well I’m Catholic, my parents are Catholic, my sister is Catholic, my friends are mostly Catholic lmao so it very evidently doesn’t affect me, but I could see how it would affect you as we do have to do religion classes and go to mass
I wanna ask a question about atheism but we shouldn’t further derail this period thread >.>
Pm me, then
Do you get cravings?
Eat lots of chocolate…sleep as well.
I dance literally. n sleep too