What do you do in your life to care for the Earth?

We all know there are things we need to do to help our little home planet out.

People think sometimes that we need to make a big change but small little things help as well.

As an example of little things here’s what I do:

  • When cooking with water, I boil it first in a boiler so I use electricity instead of gas to heat it up.
  • We seperate our trash with plastic, paper/cardboard and remaining. Glass is also thrown away somewhere else.
  • Small bottles of soda or drinks have a little bit of money you get back for turning them in at the supermarket so they can be reused.
  • I use blankets instead of my heater
  • Cycle a lot or walk
  • When walking on the beach I now pick up fishing wires, glass and plastic if possible.
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I recycle when possible…

But tbh I have trouble taking care of myself so it’s hard to think about doing other things sometimes.

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Every little thing helps, even if it’s something really small. The little things can add up into something larger.

If you can’t take a step towards something big, don’t be scared of doing something small. Even the smallest thing you can do is more than nothing.

Even simply being conscious of how you can impact the environment in your daily life can be a step forward.

Personally, I do my best to recycle whenever I have the chance. I reuse what I can, in any way I can find a use. I minimize the amount of water I use when brushing my teeth or washing my hands. It’s the little things like that I can easily do, with the hopes of at least trying to balance out some of the things I do that can be more harmful

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I recycle whatever I can and my family saves our leftovers to eat on other days so food isn’t going to waste

I’ve also switched to reusable makeup wipes which cuts down on waste from those