What do you like to eat while watching YouTube?

Whenever I eat I have to watch something and it’s usually something on YouTube. So I guess that’s my answer, I can eat anything

@/Foodies, what do you like to eat while watching YouTube?


Anything :ok_hand:


Same anything
Icecream too


Like theres nothing in particular that i like to eat
Whatever my mom gives me :ok_hand:


I like to eat chocolate while watching YouTube. And pop candy :ok_hand:

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WOAH CLON :exploding_head:

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I want that too! What’s your address?

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Its the same as yours… Ok bye…

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Oh yes I forgot you broke in that one time-

Its all chill tho!

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nothing :star_struck:


Salty snacks, like chips and dip/salsa/hot sauce, or fried plantains with a salsa that I often make.


Noodles are my favorite go-to comfort meal with everything :heart:

I refuse to eat until I find something worth watching. But in this case, I always go to Netflix more compare to Youtube. I’d eat anything I feel like eating whenever I’m watching something.

I usually watch YouTube in my bedroom, so I don’t really eat while watching. My brother, however, usually watches in the basement and will snack on a bag of chips while watching.

I watch Youtube and stuff while eating. It’s just too boring to quietly sit and eat.

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