What do you look for in story reviews?

When you get your story reviewed what kind of feedback are you looking for? What is it in a review that you need?

The way to answer this question is to think of why you asked for a review in the first place, so let’s discuss.


critical feedback lol, I didnt ask for a review so that you could throw a rainbow at me


Constructive criticism, or questions about my characters

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I look for actual reviews on my story plot. If my grammar is off, that’s a minor error that I could always fix in editing and can see (but sometimes I’m lazy and I choose not to fix it lol). So I always love people’s thoughts on my characters and plot because that is what I worry most about since idk how it looks to the readers since I’m always reading it.


Opinions and criticism on my characters.

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Same. That’s the thing I’m the most interested in. Do my characters feel real? Are they consistent? What characters does the reviewer identify with? What scenes did they like the most? What relationships are the best written?


Those are some wonderful questions!

I’ll actually send it to the review team!

critical thinking but not in a mean way

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Actual constructive criticisms, honesty and things that could actually help me improve.

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Assuming that it’s a review on the story and that the story already has been proofread, I would say that mainly would like to know if the person who made the review liked the story. I wouldn’t want a story to be too boring to read. If they didn’t like the story I would like to know why and any suggestions for improvements. Characters are also important, if the all characters comes across as dull or unlikable something must have went wrong in how I wrote them lol, because I don’t want all my characters to be that, maybe only one or two haha.

So critique on plot and characters. And if something there is lacking it’s probably the idea or writing that is lacking lol. I don’t know. A helpful review.


I always want to know what in the story is working well and what isn’t. I can’t tell how scenes come across to other people, but it’s useful in order to make sure that they’re sort of serving their purpose.

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