What do you think about AI Apps that help you write?

I hadn’t thought about using AI apps to help with my writing for a long time. I usually just tried to make the dialogue sound good on my own. That was working until writer’s block hit me recently. I haven’t implemented the suggestions yet. I downloaded two apps to try out. I will update with my opinions on them.

Has anyone used them before? What do you think about those who use them?



I’ve been using Chat GPT recently to answer world building questions for me. That’s kind of about it aside from like grammar and spell check.


Okay cool! I was thinking of using it like that as well. I uploaded the dialogue I was having difficulties with. It helped figure out how I wanted the scene to go. I’ll clean it up to match the story though.


I haven’t used AI to help me write in a serious way but I would generate funny short stories about my characters or other random things. Maybe in the future I will use it for grammar but that’s about it.


Yeah, I get that! It’s nice to use when I get writers block on certain scenes. I was running into wall pretty much over this one scene. I might use it for character descriptions, and other stuff like that.

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It helps me with ideas. I treat more like an assistant.

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That’s kind of how I use it as well! I’m still getting used to the app that I downloaded.