What do you think it would be like living in space?

maybe they are immortal :eyes:

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I think that most humans wouldn’t survive for long because they’re not made for life in space :eyes::sparkles:


Ouu interesting theory


you have a very keen eye :eyes:

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Do you think that you could live in space?
For how long do you think would you survive? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


Do you find space terrifying or cool?

I find space absolutely fascinating and I’d love to learn more about it.

Do you research space at all?

Yeah, I try to follow along with space news and discoveries.

Are you into stars and zodiacs?

Other than looking at them 'cause they’re pretty? No, not really.

Do you think aliens exist and do you think it would be cool to find/spot one?

Uh… this is a tough question. Yes, I believe something is out there, but the proof we’re presented so far by other humans is not something I can believe.

One day I hope we can.
Only if… Does space have wifi?

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