What Do You Think of Harry Styles as Prince Eric?

many news outlets have confirmed that harry has signed to play prince eric today.

here’s prince eric and harry styles side by side, i can see the resemblance and definitely can imagine him playing eric.

some people think the age difference between harry and halle bailey is weird. halle is 19 and harry is 25.

other people think it’s great that their childhood idol (harry styles was in one direction) is going to be in a live action version of their favorite childhood movie.

what do you think of the casting?


I think the casting is completely fine I’m not a fan of Harry Styles but I still feel like he’ll do a good job.

As for the age difference it’s not really a big deal considering they are both playing characters not actually dating in real life Idk if they are and Idc :joy:.


Not a fan of him, but I’m interested to see how this will go.


Is he an actor?

Are they now going to shoehorn in a prince song?


Why do these live actions always feel the need to do stupid things for no reason?

That’s the only reason you’d cast him right, he’s a decent singer


First of all-

No… It’s just not right. But hey, let’s see how he does


he’s in dunkirk, and in my opinion he did great in it, but that’s his only acting role i believe


Oh yeaah. His one acting role… Wasn’t a musical :upside_down_face:

Eh, we’ll see. Not holding out hope for the film to be any better than the other Disney live actions tho


I don’t like Disney live actions :grimacing: And I’m not really a fan but I’ll see how it is.

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I liked him in Dunkirk even if it was a supporting role. I believe he can be a good actor. But a disney prince? eek. Disney has to stop trying to adapt animated characters to real ones. Most of the time, it just doesn’t work. It makes me think of Richard Madden in Cinderella, it’s so cringy, I couldn’t watch it without laughing.

(Same for every Mangas or Animes adapted in movies… You can’t reproduce the acting and behaviours of animated characters. It’s the whole point of drawing… doing something different than real actor.)

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Does anyone else get the feeling that they’re only doing it to make sure the teenage girls go to see the film?


Probably :rofl::orange_heart:


Like what are his acting credentials? And when they choose someone who’s not an actor and obviously didn’t have to audition? Yeah it annoys me.

Disney’s lost its integrity. In The Princess and the Frog times, Alicia Keys auditioned multiple times for the role of Tiana and then didn’t even get it, but she was happy to go


Honestly? Weak. Absolutely cowardly. I propose this instead.

In all seriousness, could be worse but it feels weird. Definitely not like they thought he was the best choice for his talents and strength as an actor, much more like “oh hey you’re famous and this is already a cash grab” in my humble onion.


ok Finn :flushed:


I agree with said proposition

I’d love to see Ruby Rose as Prince Eric. I think it would be funny just to see the reaction from the people that are upset about Ariel.

You mean the 30 year old men making YouTubers saying: “tHeSe BlOoDy LeFtIsT mILlEnIaLs RuIn EvErYtHiNg”?

As I the original version just disappears when a new one is made :joy:

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Most likely

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I’m worried. Did they hold auditions and find that he was the best part? I doubt it, because this whole era of remaking the Disney films – most often badly – is lazy pandering. Why would they stop it there?