What do you think will be the beauty standards like in the future?

Beauty standards have changed over the years so it’s very likely that people in the future will see something completely different as beautiful than we do today. I think that people will acknowledge that there are different perspectives of what can be beauty standards and that everyone has a different opinion and preferences but there’ll still be beauty standards that many people agree on.

What do you think will these beauty standards be like in the future?

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eventually we have to stop liking big butts cos i got a flatty


whatever the kardashians come up with next
maybe we’ll go further into the cultural appropriation with asians thing
they could be next after black ppl


Well, long ago the standard was to be quite plump as it established wealth and the fact that they could pay to eat. Maybe it’ll repeat, but for a different reason?

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Styles from before are getting back, so maybe that’d be one of the possibilities—maybe we’d return, or maybe like some kind of something new out of the old one.

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I have no idea. The beauty standards in America are so bizarre. Having a big butt, boobs, and an hourglass body with thick legs but a flat stomach is the most unrealistic beauty standard I know

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