What font do you use when writing stories?

I like Comfortaa and Century Gothic. I’m using Comfortaa in the story I’m writing in Google docs.



dont kill me, but comic sans

listen I am dyslexic and comic sans is the best font for a dyslexic to read.

I prefer writing in serif fonts, so I mostly use Cambria, but recently Spectral has become a favourite for me.

Times new Roman

Times New Roman and Verdana and Calibri.

I use many fonts, i cant even tell!
But i used to like Gabriella so much.

Usually Arial lmao
Occasionally I’ll use that standard text one, and on rare occasions I’ll use comic sans. I’d love to say that I don’t think it matters, but honestly the ‘rarer’ fonts make me feel happy when I look at them filling up a page :rofl:

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