What food do you find at parties (as a child)?

My childhood memories of parties are very vivid as being those smol sausage roles. Cocktail sausages and chicken nuggets. What about you guys? Tell me those nostalgic party foods.


Cake :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart::cake::birthday:

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Cake and sweets.

Most parties were just pizza, but does anyone else remember Zoo Pals :joy: those hit different


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I remember these cheese balls that were covered with almonds or nuts. Those were so delicious! Also cubes of cheddar cheese, grapes, and slices of salami… most parties and wedding receptions had those. :sunflower: :coffee:

Cake and fairy bread! :yum::white_heart:

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Bump! :cloud::yellow_heart:

Cake and other sweet stuff. :sparkles:

Fairy bread, chocolate crackles, Frog in the pond, lamingtons, party pies!

Party Rings, Iced Gems, fairy cakes, animal biscuits, pink panthers, wagon wheels, jaffa cakes… Soooooooo many things for kids parties lol

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Wagon wheels!!! I haven’t had one of those in forever

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:joy::joy: They’re yummy… Well, only the jammy ones


I used to have a wagon wheel everyday in school :joy:


Ham sandwiches on white bread with the crust cut off, pork pies, jelly and ice-cream, flying saucers, strawberry laces, them pink mushroom things (the brown ones are disgusting) and Colin the Caterpillar cake.

British party food is iconic, no-one can change my mind.

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Jaffa Cakes, crisps, jelly babies, wotsits, mini salted pretzels (I hated these but it’s still part of the British primary school party experience :innocent:), oreos (everybody fought for these), fairy cakes etc.

And how can we forget the iconic blue paper towel the food was served on with a plastic cup of 50p squash from the corner shop :sneezing_face: :nail_care:t5:



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Fries with chicken nuggets, pizza, candy, cake, ice cream and many more things :joy:

I can practically smell it :joy:

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FAIRY BREAD. For the win! YUM!

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What’s fairy bread? :thinking: sounds fun.

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HAHAHA! It’s a classic kids food in New Zealand and Australia, especially for kids parties, that just consists of bread, butter, and Hundreds and Thousands. Yet, as simple as it is, it’s the best thing in the word. (wink)

Fairy Bread:

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