What food do you wish you could have right now?

If you could have any food right now, what would t be? Honestly, I don’t know right now. I’m just hungry.

African food (Jollof rice)
I’ve never tasted it before. and the fufu thing. Never had that!


Tacos :weary:

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I just ate breakfast…
Don’t feel like eating anything

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This is very yummy man

Also very yummy
But you need to have stew/egusi/okra soup or something you can’t just eat it by itself lmaoo alskdkdj


Ice cream

Not really a food, but bubble tea

hahahha yeah I know :rofl: I’ve been watching lot of African mukbangs and they’re food looks so good…
I like okro since we make a dish called Callaloo (dasheen coconut water, okro,seasoning and many more things) with it here eaten with cou-cou
So the okro soup does look appetizing and so too the egusi :heart_eyes:

link spam pls ok bye

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sorry I just saw african americans like eating it just by itself and then saying it tasted bad and like…,… yeah it does cause thats not how you eat it :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

African food is top tier ngl
Ooooh I searched up this Callaloo and it reminds me a lot of this thing called bitterleaf soup… though now that I’m looking at it they look nothing alike but yknow it reminded me :laughing: I wonder if I would likee it looks vv health
Okra yes okra >>>>>>>>>>>>
egusi is good too but I like okra better now oops-

ooohhh yeah okok will do o7


Ahhahaha yeah I know what you mean ouii…just that callaloo is more savory and can be eaten with macaroni pie, bbq chicken or any meat, rice, cou-cou ofc ayy and potato salad…

ok saying all of that made my mouth water sm…why we talking about fooodddd …omg it’s makingg me hungryyy ok :exploding_head::sob::sob: but I shan’t eat

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For realll :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:

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Nigerian jollof is the best.

Yum, you need stew/gari/obono etc in your life.


egusi looks like vomit to me

Okro and ogbono is where the fun is at


Yas :sob::sob::raised_hands:t5:

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Okra is top tier

Non-african food can’t even compare

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Awhh, maybe according to who makes it… but this Nigerican couple who currently lives in the UK do mukbangs and they’re egusi looks so good and tasty :exploding_head:

sorry but that’s how Trinidadians and Tobagonians say okra :see_no_evil:


Sighz I like this tho :heart_eyes:

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I refuse to believe. Egusi is so horrible (to me) other africans foods are wonderful, Egusi is just meh (too bad my entire family likes it)

Lol it’s ok and you’re Trinidad?

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Tobagonian specifically (Tobago is the sister isle of Trinidad) :hugs:
@Mouschi is Trinidadian

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