What Genre Do You Find the Hardest to Write?

We have a lot in common! Except I can only write fantasy, for some reason. God knows why!

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Tbh, I don’t find comedy that hard to write. It’s just hard on episode because the facial expressions are limited and it’s hard to find an exagarated animation.

I think the hardest genre to write is mystery? Tbh, I have none.


For me, I’d say comedy or horror. I get scared very easily so I tend to stay away from horror anyway?
And romance is kind of up there too. Sometimes I’m able to write and then other times I’m just like how do relationships WORK???

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I’m bad at writing romance due to lack of experience. I’ve only ever “dated” 3 people plus I’m still young and there are alot of things I still don’t understand. I usually wind up making the most boring relationship possible or one that is heavily flawed, I just can’t mix them both and make a realistic romance story.

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Also with comedy Idk if I’m good at it, some people say I’m funny others usually don’t get it. Tbh I set out to amuse myself when it comes to writing comedy, I’ll say to myself “I find this funny therefore a like minded person may also find this funny” I know that just sounds like I’m laughing at my own jokes but yeah that’s basically what I’m doing. Best not to overthink it aswell, some of the best comedic moments are improvised it can sometimes just be about the delivery, for example a line that has no intention of being funny can make people laugh depending on how it’s delivered.

The worst thing that can happen is people don’t find it funny but the bright side is, you amused yourself.

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I can’t write science fiction. It’s due to my lack of knowledge and general experience with the genre.It can be very complex to write and you have to do a lot of research. Though I can still appreciate the genre since I have watched several sci-fi shows and am fan of the sub-genre, Cyberpunk :robot:

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Anything romance related or a genre where I can’t kill off half of my characters just for fun… :eyes::sparkles:

Romance— oh god, I suck so bad at that. I can never write a romance where everyone is happy and without a suspicious villain…

Comedy- I try to hard to be funny and then I end up lookin like a :clown_face:
My jokes are just too cheesy :disappointed:

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Well, genres that I think they are the hardest to write are fantasy, comedy and horror.

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Horror and comedy have to the hardest for me.

Who says, in the end everyone needs to be happy? I’d rather be one of those that will kill the main character who died while saving that person from a villain😂.
It’s cheesy af but it will work, I think.


I think I need a little bit of both! I have my story moods :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


what if the main character is a villain and they die… after killing other people :smiling_imp:


comedy bc idk how to be funny

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I can agree with this! I’m not good with comedy either but I do try my best.

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Medium-small bump

Why are these genres difficult?
