What Genre Do You Read The Most?

Still fantasy

I already posted here, but whatever. And a little side bump!

I generally read mystery, sci-fi and fantasy :blue_heart:

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What Genre Do You guys Read The Most?
Mine is romance, duhhhhhh

For me romance and sci fi

Fantasy, mystery and thriller. Fiction too

Romance, Fantasy and Young Adult (although people tell me that I shouldn’t read that anymore :woman_shrugging:)
But I’m starting to read Sci-fi and so far I enjoy those books as well

I used to hate romance so much, but now it’s one of the only things I read… fantasy just ain’t the same as you get older.


I prefer fantasy over all.

I love any genre, so long as it doesn’t have romance or at least much romance in it. I would rather the plot be focused on a different and romance be a very, very miner side plot if it is even necessary at all.


It’s a tie between Horror and Fantasy for me. I’m not a big fan of genres like Romance, Drama and Action; Mystery and Thriller are genres I’d consider, but I’ve always been an avid fan of both Horror and Fantasy novels.


Personally, I don’t mind romance! I just think it’s rarely done well >.<


I do agree with that, it is rarely done well. As for me, I just prefer for it not to take over the whole plot. That’s why I don’t really read straight romance books.


I absolutely love thrillers and crime books! I rarely read romance, even tho I like it and I have nothing against it but it’s usually not done well in young adults books. And fantasy… NO


I used to like crime books and crime shows but they’re becoming predictable :sob:

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Yeah, sometimes. That’d why I prefer thrillers. Right now, I’m reading ”The seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle” it’s sadly a bit of a fantasy book but it’s definitely interesting. My next one is going to be ”Home” and then ”Dom dzienny, dom nocny” by Tokarczuk

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Never heard of them but I should check them out! :dizzy:

I haven’t read a book in ages

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Oh, yes! You should!

No worries, me too, unfortunately

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Romance! There is nothing I like more!

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