I’m not sure if you have been keeping up to date with what’s been happening in Bolivia, but basically:
There was an election and a left-wing president won. However, there are some suspicious events surrounding this election. The counting went down randomly at some point and then when they continued counting, he had won by a big enough margin to win outright (in Bolivia, if you win by less than 10% of the vote, there is a second round. It was 9% before the counting stopped and then it was suddenly 10% when it started up again). So there are some super shady details surrounding the election.
So what did the military do? They stormed in and “asked” the president to step down. He did in order to prevent violence. Now there’s a right-wing government instead.
This is a coup. Let me explain why.
There was going to be another election – an American pressure group claimed that the details of the election were fishy (which they were) and demanded another election. The president said yes immediately and 2 hours later, the military “asked” him to step down. Clearly, they didn’t want the election to happen again. Why? If the people didn’t want the president to win again, they wouldn’t let it happen.
Getting the military to do your dirty work for you to get a popular leader out of office is a coup – it doesn’t matter if they “politely asked” or “demanded”. Getting the military to do it has the undertones of “or else”. If it wasn’t a coup, the government could have demanded the president step down themselves. They needed the threat of the military to make sure it happened. COUP.
No matter the outcome of the election, the president was still technically the president until next year. Forcing him out of office early is a coup. He won the last election fair and square even if you disagree with the circumstances of this election. So forcing him out before his term is over? COUP.
There was a democratic option on the table! And they chose not to take it. Now they have a government which hasn’t got the majority vote. COUP.
There is currently an online campaign of random throwaway accounts saying “dear friend. This is not a coup” copy-pasted. This is clearly damage control from the government.
This is disgusting. I don’t agree with the circumstances of the election and that’s why there should have been another election. This is just authoritarian and anti-democratic. COUP.